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Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Obama is Concerned about Joseph Kony Case: Is it a sincere concern or?

Written by Dewi Lestari
March 8, 2012
Right now, there are more people on social network like twitter or facebook than there were on earth hundreds years ago.  Humanity’s greatest desire is to belong and and connect. Through this social network, No matter how long the distance between us, we can still see each other, we can still hear each  other, we can share what we love and share what we have in common. And this connection is changing the way the world works
In past few days, there is one case that caught attention of social network people. That case is about a guy named Joseph kony whose name has recently been popular nowadays because of a documenter movie called “Kony 2012”. This documenter movie was made in order to get the world know who exactly Joseph Kony is. He is one of the greatest criminals in the world. He ranks at 1st of ICC greatest criminals . Kony has 33 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity. He’s horribly murdering people, he enslaves women and children, he forced innocent children being combatants and killing other children or even their own parents or other adults. Yes, he forced children at age 10-11 being soldiers and holding weapons to fight in the battle field. They didn’t have any options and chances, the only options they have were being a soldier or die. When I was at age 10-11, I would play with crayons, but these children, they forcibly play with weapons and killing people. The producer of this documenter movie gets the world help him to arrest Kony, he finally gets Obama to help to caught and put Kony into international justice. Wait, did I just write Obama? Yes! Barack Obama, the president of United States of America.
check the video below
 Here's a video of victims of Joseph Kony's LRA appealing to President Obama for help to #stopkony,
I have been smelling something fishy about Obama concerning about this human rights issues. This “Kony 2012” movie represents Uganda and the world’s voice, and they’re asking Obama’s help? Since when the president of US puts his concern into this humanity issues? I mean, can’t you see him keep in silence knowing Israeli brutally killing Palestinians?
Obama wants to win another election, He loses people’s sympathy because of gas price and tax issues.  And US will put out this kind of stories saying Obama is concerned about this humanity issues to get people’s sympathy back. So I think there’s an unseen motive behind Obama’s help on this Kony case. Just like my International Law lecturer always said, “there is no free lunch from US”.
Yet while we give ourselves in rising our voices as far as we can, we have to know that Joseph Kony for years has been doing this kind of war and humanity crimes in front of all the world leaders’ eyes, yet because he’s not being of a resource of providing economic interest and neither a threat to the people in power, he has been left free to do whatever he has been doing in the first place. The world’s decency has changed that even saving human lives nowadays also needs to be a profit making
I just wanted to show you all certain criteria here before people buys into the bait from US government and its allies. In my opinion this “Kony 2012” movement is doing the right thing, but US intervention is not motivated by concern over these atrocities, many of which are committed by US forces in US-occupied countries or US backed forces across Africa. It is aimed primarily at asserting US imperialist interests in Africa and counteracting the rising influence of the other major power in the region-particularly china
I really don’t like Joseph Kony and his brutal actions, however, if the film maker is going to expose the horrible crimes, he also needs to expose the other side as well. For eample, I don’t see any videos about the Zionists killing thousands even hundred thousands of palestians (mostly civilians) due to the illegal blockade on Gaza.
Also , according to a US cable released by wikileaks, Washington closely follows china’s growing economic influence in Uganda. A cable, dated February 17, 2010, illustrates the concerns.
“china’s economic  ties to Uganda continue to accelerate on all fronts making it one of the country’s top foreign investors. Greater Chinese investment and assistance in Uganda has generated some resentment due to local perceptions that Chinese investment favor their own business” source: wikileaks
I also heard that Ugandan is also growing economic ties to iran. Oh yes, IRAN…. The country supposedly developing nuclear weapons but no such evidence has been presented to back this accusation. iran and Uganda have pursued closer relations with the agreement by Iran to fund Uganda in all sectors. I read an article about a Tehran meeting at may 2009, president Uganda and president Ahmadinejad met together with Iranian commerce official s to hammer out an agreement for increasing bilateral economic . it included  provisions for the construction of an oil resources in Uganda and measures allowing Ugandan petroleum officials to train at the petroleum university of technology in Tehran.
So, if you want to put it into perspective, the almighty US empiure looks at it as a financial problem and publicity problem, not humanitarian problem. But then again, it’s just my opinion

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

this is what I call "love"

Now, let me ask you. What will you do if the one you are truly in love with is loving someone else? Do you still wanna tell him how you feel about him and make him to be yours forever?

Kalau kamu menjawab iya, then for me it’s not love.  Itu hanya perasaan ingin memiliki. Cinta itu tidak bisa dipaksakan. Terserak kamu mau menganggapku gila atau pengecut atau apalah sesukamu, tapi yang pasti hanya itu yang  bisa aku lakukan. Banyak  orang bilang kalu bagaimanapun keadaannya atau apapun resikonya, kita harus mengungkapkan perasaan kita pada orang yang kita cintai agar tidak ada penyesalan dikemudian hari, ya kan? Tapi teori itu tidak berlaku untukku. Aku akan menyesal jika mengatakan perasaanku padanya, karena setelah aku mengatakan perasaanku padanya, aku yakin semuanya akan berubah.. semuanya akan berbeda, jauh berbeda.. Aku.. entahlah, hanya itu yang bisa aku lakukan. Terserah kamu mau menilai aku seperti apa. Tapi memang begitulah keadaannya
I really love him, I feel like I can’t live without him. It seems biased, but that’s how I really feel. Aku pernah hampir gila karena hanya bisa memendam perasaan ini. Tapi saat dia bercerita kepadaku tentang seseorang yang sangat dia cintai, walaupun rasanya sakit sekali,  aku melihat kebahagiaan di matanya. Aku melihat kebahagiaan di  raut wajahnya. Dia begitu bersemangat jika bercerita tentang dia.  Saat dia bersama  orang yang dia cintai, aku bisa merasakan kalau dialah sumber kebahagiaannya, bukan aku. Dan sejak saat itu aku sadar, aku akan lebih gila lagi jika aku tidak bisa melihatnya bahagia seperti itu. Aku bahagia jika melihatnya bahagia. Aku hanya bisa membiarkan dia merasa bahagia dengam orang yang dia cintai, because may be it’s the only thing I could do for his happiness. Sesederhana itu yang bisa aku lakukan. Karena beginilah caraku mencintainya.

Pernah suatu saat, aku mencoba untuk melupakannya. Tapi itu sia-sia. How could I forget him when everything that I do reminds me of him? Dulu setelah lama tidak bertemu dengannya, aku kira aku telah berhasil melupakannya.  Tapi saat sadar semua hal yang aku lakukan justru selalu berhubungan dengannya, selalu mengingatkan aku padanya. Saat itu juga perthananku runtuh, rupanya aku belum bisa melupakannya. Aku masih mencintainya, tak pernah berubah, walaupun ada atau tidak ada dia disampingku.